Saturday, October 27, 2007

New illustrations

Colouring experiments (unseasonal I know - I do actually like autumn though ^_^)


Jake said...

I thought it was still Autumn until at least December? Otherwise Winter lasts too long and that's just depressing...

She's nice, though, that second one. The hair reminds me of sheafs of wheat, what with the bunching and all - intentional?

mike said...

nice work, sally!

Sally said...

lol! It's still Autumn, thankfully - although I doubt it will stay that way till December. I meant more that the top pic is quite summery. No more lolling about on the grass in dresses right now, you'd get flu! Well, unless you live in Florida or something.
(PS wheat hair is a happy accident!)

Jake said...

Well, personally I don't make much of a habit of lolling around on the grass in dresses any time of year... it's those staid old gender stereotypes, you know? ;-)

But hey! Sometimes it's as warm as 10 or 12 degrees, early afternoon...!

Sally said...

Well you're missing out on some high-quality grassy-dress-lolling then!