Monday, September 29, 2008

IndieManga debuts at Birmingham International Comic Show!!

Okay, so it's been a bit quiet here lately. Has been non-stop for a while, and in the interim I've been at Greenbelt Arts Festival (doing live art/prints/interview), the Reading After Empire conference at the University of Stirling (presenting a paper), and at Alcon (doing a panel and workshop), as well as back to the MA grindstone. 

But I've also been working away with some excellent people on a project we've been getting ready for many, many months - IndieManga! 

This new small press group is debuting this weekend at Birmingham International Comic Show with our first book, and anthology titled Origins - the cover of which you can see below!

Be sure to bookmark Indiemanga's site for more news, articles, tutorials, and books! Short event reports to follow for the other things mentioned in this post, both here and on the Indiemanga site.

Little Thoughts will be moving into the Indiemanga house as well, so for anyone going to Birmingham who still needs a copy (yes, needs ^_~), we'll have some there. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

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